After migrating my MSSQL to another why am I receiving logon errors from the eventsentry_web account?

Article ID: 149
Category: Database
Applies to: All Versions
Updated: 2022-06-07

You may encounter one of the following errors:

OdbcExpandError: [28000][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'eventsentry_svc'. (18456) at SQLConnect

OdbcExpandError: [42000][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot open database "EventSentry" requested by the login. The login failed (4060) at SQLConnect

These permission errors usually occur after moving a database when the eventsentry_svc and eventsentry_web user accounts do not exist on the target database server, though it can happen in other scenarios as well.

The easiest solution to this problem is to re-create both the eventsentry_svc and eventsentry_web account and to run the database setup wizard again. Before you start following the instructions below, make sure that you have the current password from both the eventsentry_svc and eventsentry_web user accounts.

Please follow the steps below for instructions on how to reset the permissions on the moved EventSentry database. The steps below use SQL Server Management Studio.

  • Open the SQL Server Management Studio and navigate to SERVER - Databases - EventSentry - Security - Schemas container.

  • Delete both the eventsentry_web and eventsentry_svc schemas if they exist by right clicking them and seleting "Delete".

  • Navigate to SERVER - Databases - EventSentry - Security - Users container.

  • Delete both the eventsentry_svc and eventsentry_web user accounts by right-clicking them and selecting "Delete".

  • Navigate to SERVER - Security - Logins.

  • Repeat step 4 for the eventsentry_svc and eventsentry_web users in this container. Don't worry, we'll be re-creating them in the next step.

  • Open the Configuration Assistant from Start - Programs - EventSentry or launch the wizard from the management console by selecting your database action on the left side of the console and then clicking the "Initialize/Update Database" button in the action settings on the right side of the console. Then, follow the instructions of the wizard and make sure that you enter the original passwords for the eventsentry_svc and eventsentry_web user accounts.

See the additional links for more information on the database setup wizard.