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Navigation: Working with EventSentry > Scripts


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General Options apply to all scripts, whether user, managed, on-demand or validation scripts.


Managed Scripts

Managed scripts are maintained & updated on a regular basis, updates are available to evaluation users and customers with active maintenance agreements. Users can supplement managed scripts with their own, but managed scripts cannot be modified.


Launch Folder

This is the directory where the scripts will reside on disk and executed from. The default setting is %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\eventsentry.scripts, and can be customized by changing the Launch Folder.


Embedded scripts that are assigned to a particular host will be created in the launch folder of that computer when the agent is started. If a script is not assigned, meaning that is neither used by an application schedule, process action or validation scripts package, then it will not be created in the file system. Scripts in the launch folder will be deleted when the agent is stopped.


Restrict Permissions

The launch folder inherits its permissions from the parent folder by default, which will differ depending on the OS. To ensure that only the agent has access to the script files in the launch folder, you can check the Restrict Permissions check box. This will ensure that only the account the EventSentry service is running under (LocalSystem by default) will have (NTFS) permission to access the file(s).