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Event Log Consolidation

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Many government regulations in the United States and other countries require you to collect and archive event logs for a certain period of time. With EventSentry you can consolidate all or some of your event logs, according to your rules, into any of the supported databases.


Database Consolidation can be setup very quickly and requires only a few steps. All of the steps below are automatically performed by the installer if you have one of the supported databases available during the installation. Please see Steps to Event Log Consolidation for more information.


Create a database action in the management console

Click the "Initialize or Update database" button to invoke the configuration assistant

Create an event log filter that forwards some or all events to the database


Connection Strings vs. System DSNs

When creating your database notification you have the choose between using a System DSN and a connection string. We strongly recommend that you use a connection string instead of a DSN, since using a DSN will require you to create that same DSN on every computer that will be writing to the EventSentry database. If you have to use a DSN, then you can use AutoAdministrator to push/duplicate an existing DSN to remote computers.


ODBC Drivers


Built-In Database (PostgreSQL)

Included with EventSentry and installed automatically when PostreSQL is used.


Microsoft SQL Server

Included with Microsoft Windows



Included with EventSentry and installed automatically when MySQL is used. MySQL also offers an MSI package that can be rolled out using Active Directory.



It is fairly complicated to install the ODBC drivers on a Microsoft Windows machine since you are required to install everything using the Java-based Oracle Universal Installer. If you plan on using Oracle then please keep in mind that you will have to install the ODBC drivers using the Oracle Universal Installer on every computer that is to write to the database.