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Navigation: Event Log Monitoring > Recurring Events

One Event Every 10 Minutes

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Let's say you have a custom application, written in-house, which logs an event to the event log every 5 minutes. You need to know when that application has stopped logging this key event, as it most likely indicates the application is no longer running or is experiencing some other issue preventing it from working properly.



Starting with version 3.0.1, the recurring event filter supports checking for any type of event in as little as one minute intervals.


To get notified when an event is no longer being generated, an event log include filter needs to be created and configured as a "Recurring Event" filter. We will use a 10-minute interval (opposed to a 5-minute interval) to allow for a buffer, but the filter can of course be set for 5 minutes as well.


Recurring Event Filter

Create an event log "Include" filter and configure the "General" tab based on the event properties.



Figure 1: The general settings of the recurring filter




Figure 2: The Hour / Day settings with a 10-minute interval