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Agent Database Status Utility

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The agent database status utility, es_db_agent_status.exe, queries the database to detect an extended period of database inactivity from on or more agents. Running this utility ensures that all agents are online and reporting data in the database.


The utility can either be run on-demand from the command line, or be scheduled on a regular basis using a scheduling engine like the EventSentry application scheduler or the Windows Task Scheduler. The agent database status can also be reviewed on-demand through the "Agent Status" page in the maintenance menu of the web reports.


Using command line arguments, the utility can either inspect data from all features an agent is using, or can only query for specified features - e.g. Event Logs only.


Required Options




A System DSN pointing to the EventSentry database or,

if an EventSentry agent is installed on the same machine where you are running the utility then you can specify the name of the EventSentry action instead of the DSN name.


The feature to verify, or AllTables to evaluate all features an agent is currently monitoring.


The maximum period of database inactivity, in minutes. If the most recent database entry from a host is older than <MINUTES>, the host will be listed as inactive.


Specify a user that has permissions to query (SELECT) data, usually eventsentry_web


Password of <USER>

Optional Options


Verbose output, useful when utilizing "AllTables" feature



On Windows Vista and later, the purge utility needs to be executed from an elevated command prompt ("Run as Administrator") if it references an EventSentry action.




1. Connect to the "Primary Database" action and verify that all hosts reported event log data in the last 30 minutes:

es_db_agent_status "Primary Database" EventLog 30 eventsentry_web 4h3Passw0rd


2. Connect to the MyDSN system DSN and verify that all hosts reported performance in the last 15 minutes:

es_db_agent_status MyDSN Performance 15 eventsentry_web #df2er


3. Connect to the MSSQL action and verify that all hosts reported data for all configured features in the last 60 minutes:

es_db_agent_status MSSQL AllTables 60 dbreader MyP4ssw0rd!


4. Connect to the MySQL action and verify that all hosts reported Event Log, Syslog & SNMP Trap data in the last 3 hours:

es_db_agent_status MySQL EventLog,Syslog,Snmp 180 eventsentry_web thePa55w0rt


5. Connect to the "Primary Database" action and verify that all hosts reported Event Log and Logon Tracking data within the last 24 hours:

es_db_agent_status "Primary Database"  EventLog,LogonTracking 1440 eventsentry_web datpa55w00rd