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Management Console / Utilities

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You can configure all aspects of EventSentry using the management console. The management console creates and manages all the registry keys that contain the configuration for the EventSentry agents.


The management console also allows you to push the configuration to remote hosts and install the EventSentry agents on remote computers, view event logs and more.


Keyboard Navigation

The management console can be navigated with the keyboard.


To switch from the left tree view to the right pane after an item has been selected with ENTER, hit the TAB key.

To switch back from the right dialog pane to the left tree view, press the ALT+HOME.

Alternatively, press CTRL+1 to jump to the left tree view and CTRL+2 to jump to the right pane.

The ribbon can be accessed by pressing the ALT key while the focus is on the left tree view. While keeping the ALT key pressed, press the desired highlighted key.


Customizing the management console

Please click here for information on how to customize the management console to fit your needs.



The toolbar allows you to do perform various actions quickly with the click of button, instead of having to right-click containers or navigate through the menu. See Toolbar for more information.


Finding filters and computers

The "Find Dialog" allows you to find filters or computers based on search criteria, see Searching for more information.