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EventSentry can be used in environments that do not use English as the primary language and character set, including but not limited to Japanese, Korean and more. While the management console itself is only available in English, most notifications (e.g. email, file, database) do support foreign character sets and encodings.


Management Console

The management console is only available in English, but will display foreign characters correctly in the dialogs and built-in event log viewer. Foreign characters can also be used to configure EventSentry, for example in filter fields.


Web Reporting

Several translations exist (e.g. French, Japanese) for the web reports, and the language can be set using the Profile Editor. If you select one of the supported languages (please see Web Reports for more information on available translations), then the character encoding of the web reports will be automatically set. If a translation for your language does not exist or the automatic encoding type is incorrect, then you can set the encoding using the profile editor in the Localization section.


Email and File Actions

When configuring your email or file notification to use HTML, then EventSentry tries to automatically detect the correct encoding. If the encoding is not detected correctly or you want to manually set it, then you can change it by clicking the Encoding button in the "Internationalization Options" section. On the resulting dialog, clear the "Auto-Detect Language Settings" check box and specify the encoding in the Character Encoding field.





Database - ODBC Actions

No additional configuration steps are necessary when using a database action, however you will need to make sure that your database supports your locale. In Microsoft SQL Server®, make sure you select the correct collation mode when creating a new database, which means that you will have to create an empty EventSentry database prior to running the EventSentry setup or configuration assistant. No special settings are required for the built-in PostgreSQL database.


Please see the following two KB articles to avoid known problems when using languages languages that are not Latin-based:



