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Navigation: Working with EventSentry > Managing Agents

Deploying Agents

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If you want to setup EventSentry on a newly setup computer, that is a computer that does not yet have EventSentry installed, then you can use the "Deploy Agent" feature.


Simply add the host to a computer group, right-click the host and select "Deploy Agent":




Remote Update will automatically copy the EventSentry files, create the service, copy all configuration data (event log filters, system health, actions, ...) and start the service.  You can deploy the agent to multiple hosts at the same time by selecting a computer group and then using the toolbar to click the Deploy Agent button and then click the Go button.


This feature is the quickest way to monitor a new computer with EventSentry.


ODBC Drivers

The EventSentry agent will automatically install PostgreSQL when those drivers are required (that is, at least one action uses a PostgreSQL database). The driver MSI files are distributed by the management console during a remote agent installation (if needed) and then later installed by the agent.



ODBC drivers are not required when using actions that utilize the collector.