/consoletoolbar.htm" />

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The legacy toolbar is either displayed when the ribbon is disabled (Tools -> Options -> General) or when the management console is running on a machine with Windows XP or Windows 2003. The toolbar allows you to do perform various actions quickly with the click of button, instead of having to right-click containers or navigate through the menu.





Brings you to the home screen


Rebuilds (refreshes) the tree in the left pane


Saves the configuration



Cuts the current selection, only valid with computer, filter and action items


Copies the current selection, only valid with filter and action items


Pastes the previously copied/cut item


Allows you to search for filters or computers



Downloads the latest packages from www.eventsentry.com



Pushes the latest configuration to all computers in all groups


Starts the remote update if "Use Checkboxes" is configured



Views the web reports if configured


Opens http://www.eventsentry.com in your default browser



Opens the EventSentry Welcome Wizard


Navigates to the EventSentry knowledge base


Opens this help file