I see duplicate entries in the computer drop-down box in the web reports for computer names which exceed 15 characters. Why?

Article ID: 217
Category: Event Log Monitoring
Created: 2012-05-07

On hosts where the computer name exceeds the NetBIOS maximum of 15 characters, some events may be logged to the event log with the truncated NetBIOS-compatible name.

Since EventSentry does not modify event log entries (for a variety of reasons), it is likely that you will see "duplicate" host names in the computer drop-down box of the event search box in this case. You should not see the truncated host names in any other page of the web reports.

If the events logged with the truncated names are not critical, you may exclude them (and thus prevent them from being consolidated) and use the maintenance wizard in the web reports to remove the events which are associated with the truncated name.