Can I migrate my existing data (mssql, mysql, oracle) to the new built-in EventSentry database?

Article ID: 224
Category: Database
Applies to: 2.93 and later
Updated: 2019-07-29

It is not currently possible to migrate data from your existing Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle database to the built-in EventSentry PostgreSQL database.

You can however switch to the built-in database going forward and retain old data in the existing MSSQL/MySQL/Oracle database. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Upgrade to EventSentry v2.93.
  2. After upgrading, run the EventSentry v2.93 installer again and this time add the "Built-In Database" component. This will install the built-in PostgreSQL database. Alternatively you can also run the installer on a dedicated machine where you wish to install the built-in database.
  3. The installer will automatically launch the configuration assistant again, you can hit "Cancel" to abort the wizard - it will not make any changes.
  4. Open the EventSentry Management Console and navigate to your existing database action.
  5. Erase the connection string information by clicking the "X" button to the right of the string.
  6. Click the "Create" button and change the database type to "PostgreSQL".
  7. Specify the connection information for the new database (host name, port, database name). These settings will later be used by the configuration assistant to initialize the database.
  8. Specify any password for the "eventsentry_svc" user.
  9. Click the "Initialize or Update Database" button which will launch the configuration assistant again. Ignore any authentication errors in regards to the "eventsentry_svc" user.
  10. On the "Database Configuration" dialog, specify the administrative password for the postgres user account. This password was created when the Built-In database as added with the setup.
  11. On the "Database Users" dialog set new passwords for the eventsentry_svc and eventsentry_web users. Remember both of these passwords!!!
  12. Finish the configuration assistant and navigate back to the database action dialog.
  13. Click the "Create" button again, and replace the password for the eventsentry_svc user account with the password selected during the database initialization.
  14. Click the "Test" button to verify that the new database was created successfully, and that the database action is configured correctly.
  15. Save the configuration.
  16. On the "Service Control" dialog, click "Restart" to the stop & start the EventSentry agent.
  17. Navigate to the web reports with your browser.
  18. Navigate to OPTIONS - Profile Editor
  19. Click on "Create New Profile"
  20. Specify a profile name and check the "Default Profile" check box if desired
  21. Setup the database connection by clicking on the "Create" button, click OK when finished.
  22. Specify the correct table prefix, "eventsentry" by default.
  23. Click the Test Connection button to test the database connection settings.
  24. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Apply" to save the settings.
  25. Return to the web reports and select the new profile on the top right corner. You should see some information from the local host. Once we have verified that the web reports are configured correctly and the agent is writing to the database, we can deploy the new settings to all remote agents (if applicable).
  26. Return to the management console, and navigate to Remote -> Upgrade Agent(s). Click the green arrow in the toolbar to start the update process if it doesn't start automatically.

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