Removing the built-in EventSentry PostgreSQL v9.6 Database after migrating to v14.2

Article ID: 467
Category: Database
Applies to: 5.0 and later
Updated: 2022-04-25

After successfully migrating to the newer PostgreSQL v14.2 database that is available in EventSentry v5.0 and later, the legacy v9.6 built-in database can be removed if the data is no longer needed.

NOTE: Recovering data from the PostgreSQL v9.6 database is not possible unless a database or host backup is available. Do not proceed unless you are certain that data stored in the PostgreSQL v9.6 database is no longer required. Having a database backup is strongly recommended even when it is not anticipated that the data is required in the future.

Steps for a complete database removal:

  1. Change the Collector Service dependency by running the following command from an elevated command prompt: sc CONFIG "EventSentryCollector" DEPEND= "eventsentrydatabase14"
  2. Run the following command from an elevated command prompt to stop EventSentry Database v9.6 and delete the service: sc stop "eventsentrydatabase96" & sc delete "eventsentrydatabase96"
  3. Delete the postgresql96 sub folder in the legacy EventSentry installation directory, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry\postgresql96
  4. Delete the data directory, which is called data96 and located in the legacy EventSentry installation directory by default, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\EventSentry\data96
  5. When applicable, remove any actions in the management console or profiles in the web reports that may still reference the old database