Event Log Filters

Summary Filters (Step 5 of 6)

This filter type allows for events to be collected over a period of time rather than being notified immediately.

Summary Filter

How it works

If an event occurs during an inactive hour, then the event will be collected (white area). The collected events are then sent out in the next active hour (orange circles). If more than one hour is consecutively active, then all events that take place during this period will be processed immediately and will not be collected (blue area).

This is best explained with the example above: Collected events will only be sent out Monday through Friday at 8am in the morning (orange circles). Events that take place between 8am and 5pm will be sent out immediately and will not be collected since the active hours are next to each other (sequential). Events that take place between 5pm Wednesday and 8am Thursday (white area in screenshot) will be collected and processed at 8am (orange circles).

  • Updated on: 2013-12-30
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys for navigation