You can be notified when a remote web site certificate is about to expire using checkurl.exe from EventSentry SysAdmin Tools. For that we are going to: 1. Install EventSentry SysAdmin tools to user checkurl.exe feature. 2. Create an User Embedded Scrip 3. Create an application schedule to run the script on certain schedule. 4. Creating ...

KB-ID 431
Category: Network Monitoring
Applies to: 4.1 and later

Yes however if you change the certificate used for the Collector your agents will refuse to connect to the Collector once the certificate has changed. This will require a manual configuration update Push Configuration for your agents so that they can reconnect. You can substitute the selfsigned certificate which is automatically genera...

KB-ID 328
Category: Collector Service
Applies to: 3.2 and higher

video 3 Under 39Tools Embedded Scripts39 click 39New39 and then label this 39expiringcerts.ps139 and in the 39Script Content39 box add: powershell sl cert: MaxDays = 30 GetChildItem Recurse where .notafter le getdate.AddDaysMaxDays AND .notafter gt getdate.adddaysMaxDays select NotAftersubjec...

KB-ID 395
Category: Monitoring

Yes a selfsigned certificate can be substituted for the certificate that is automatically generated by the Network Services when you enable Syslog TLS. You will need to provide a passwordprotected PKCS12 archive file with a .PFX extension. Download the Microsoft PSEXEC utility and copy the utility to the machine where the EventSentry N...

KB-ID 501
Category: Network Services