Yes you can install the heartbeat service on multiple computers and configure all of them to write their heartbeat information to the same database. Please note that the Heartbeat Status web page may show incomplete results until all agents have performed at least one monitoring cycle. A KB on how to install Heartbeat on a remote compu...

KB-ID 38
Category: Heartbeat Monitoring
Applies to: 4.2 and later

The heartbeat monitoring agent is designed to be installed only on a small number of hosts usually one. It is not necessary and recommended to install the heartbeat agent on multiple computers. The heartbeat monitoring agent will ping and monitor all configured computers from one central location. If you have a large number of computers t...

KB-ID 39
Category: Heartbeat Monitoring
Applies to: 4.2 and later

EventSentry has a unique timerfilter feature that can suppress unnecessary alerts if the error condition only lasts for a configurable short period of time. This can be applied to alerts about hosts being down services being stopped and more. In this HowTo we will use the example of heartbeat events which can sometimes generate unnecessa...

KB-ID 424
Category: Heartbeat Monitoring

The maximum scan time is a setting in the Heartbeat service that determines how long the service will scan a device for SNMPget data and wait for a response. If a device doesn39t respond within the maximum scan time then scan will be interrupted. If this happens several times in a row the heartbeat service will log a 11012 event: Scanni...

KB-ID 495
Category: Heartbeat Monitoring
Applies to: 5.0

How can I install the Heartbeat agent on a separate computer/machine EventSentry39s Heartbeat agent can be installed on a different computer/machine separate from the rest of your EventSentry installation. You can even install a second heartbeat agent in addition to your original. You may wish to do this to split resources across machine...

KB-ID 479
Category: Heartbeat Monitoring
Applies to: 4.2 and later

Yes please navigate to to download the help file and/or quickstart guide. Both documents are available in the following formats: Microsoft Help.chm Adobe PDF.pdf HTML.htm Multimedia Help.exe

Category: General
Applies to: All Versions

Yes it is recommended that you uninstall EventSentry Light with the setup application prior to installing the trial or full version of EventSentry. You will not need to uninstall the agents service from remote machines simply use Remote Update to update the agents on the remote machines once you have installed the trial version.

Category: Installation

If you use the builtin Postgres database you may need to optimize it: If you use Microsoft SQL as your database you may need to optimize it: If the recommended optimizations do not help please contact our support department for more indepth assistance. If you have a...

Category: Web Reports
Applies to: All

This error reported by Windows usually appears when Client for Microsoft Networks and/or NetBIOS are not installed on the management workstation and target machines for example when using Novell software. You will need to make sure that the Client for Microsoft Networks is installed when using remote update to install agents on remote...

Category: Installation

The EVENTSENTRYSVC.LOG file located in the SYSTEMROOT directory usually c:\winnt or c:\windows is the debug log file of the EventSentry agent. To reduce the size of this file set the Debug Level option in Service Control to None or Low and restart the EventSentry service. The contents of this file are always cleared when the ...

Category: General
Applies to: up to v2.43

It is important that filters using summary notifications are NOT configured to notify All Targets. When using summary notifications make sure that one and only one target is present in the filters Targets list of the General tab.

Category: Configuration

After making configuration changes on your management workstation you will need to use the Update Configuration feature of remote update to push the updated configuration to your remote machines. Rightclick the Computers container of the group you want to update and select Update Configuration. In the next dialog make sure that the co...

KB-ID 10
Category: Configuration
Applies to: All Versions

When using ODBC targets you will need to make sure that: The System DSN referenced in the ODBC target is present on all computers writing to the database. This requirement does not apply to version 2.50 and higher which also supports connection strings. Otherwise you can use AutoAdministrator to push out DSN names to remote machines. ...

KB-ID 11
Category: Notifications

Starting with EventSentry version 2.70 you can view the native event log files usually with a .evt extension with the builtin event log viewer of EventSentry. Simply rightclick the Event Log Viewer container and select Open Log File. If you are running EventSentry v2.60 or earlier then you will need to open the event log files with th...

KB-ID 12
Category: Usage

You can be notified when a remote web site certificate is about to expire using checkurl.exe from EventSentry SysAdmin Tools. For that we are going to: 1. Install EventSentry SysAdmin tools to user checkurl.exe feature. 2. Create an User Embedded Scrip 3. Create an application schedule to run the script on certain schedule. 4. Creating ...

KB-ID 431
Category: Network Monitoring
Applies to: 4.1 and later

Yes any user with administrative privileges can view and change the EventSentry configuration. The entire EventSentry configuration is stored on a permachine basis so it doesn39t matter which user logs on to the computer where the EventSentry management application is installed. The only settings that are store on a peruser basis are th...

KB-ID 14
Category: Configuration

No restarting the EventSentry service on any machine will have no effect on other machines since the agent only works with the local event logs. The EventSentry agent does write a few events to the local machine39s Application event log upon a service restart however.

KB-ID 15
Category: Usage

Filters are processed sequentially onebyone by the EventSentry agent. If an event matches multiple filters then every filter matching the event will send the event information to the configured target. This usually happens when more than one filter is configured to use Trigger all actions. To avoid seeing events multiple times: Co...

KB-ID 16
Category: Configuration
Applies to: up to 2.60

Some antivirus software products e.g. McAfee starting with version 8.x block and/or intercept outgoing connections to port 25. This will interfere with the EventSentry SMTP notification actions which sends emails using SMTP port 25. You will need to disable or customize the SMTP protection feature of your antivirus product to make the SMT...

KB-ID 17
Category: Notifications

You will need to take additional configuration steps when configuring EventSentry to access resources located on different computer. By default the EventSentry agent runs under the LocalSystem account. This is a builtin system account that has administrative permissions on the local host but usually has no permissions on remote computers....

KB-ID 18
Category: Usage

This is usually a permissions issue since the EventSentry agent is running under the LocalSystem account by default. Please click the help link below DOCID 18 for more information.

KB-ID 20
Category: Notifications

This is usually a permissions issue since the EventSentry agent is running under the LocalSystem account by default. Please click the help link below KBID 18 for more information.

KB-ID 19
Category: Notifications

This is usually a permissions issue. When backing up the logs the EventSentry agent is running under the LocalSystem account by default and you might have to take additional steps in order for the backup to work. If you are only backing up the event logs then please click the help link below DOCID 18 for more information. If you are ba...

KB-ID 21
Category: Usage

After you have requested a trial version of EventSentry you should have received an email that will show you on how many computers you can install EventSentry. In the email look for the line LICENSES in the trial activation info which will show you the number of computers you can install the licenses on. When requesting a trial version you ...

KB-ID 22
Category: Installation

An unknown status means that the service control manager on the remote host did not return any valid service status. This usually happens under the following circumstances: The remote computer is running an operating system other than Windows. The remote computer is unreachable e.g. turned off firewall etc.. The network connecti...

KB-ID 23
Category: Heartbeat Monitoring
Applies to: 2.50 and higher