EventSentry v2.93.1 – Part 1

We are excited to announce the availability of EventSentry v2.93.1, the latest release of our award-winning log, system health and network monitoring solution. This is the first post in a series of articles that will explain the new features and changes of EventSentry v2.93.1 in detail.

This post will provide a high-level overview of the new functionality available in EventSentry, subsequent posts will go into more details on the individual enhancements.

The main new features in EventSentry are:

  • Easier setup & deployment with new installer & built-in database
  • Vastly improved Performance Monitoring
  • Additional packages for performance monitoring
  • Support for USB-only temperature/humidity sensors
  • Improved hardware inventory for DELL & HP servers
  • Warranty expiration information for DELL, HP & IBM servers
  • Improved monitoring engine
  • Usability enhancements in management console
  • Increased throughput for Heartbeat monitoring

Easier setup & deployment with new installer & built-in database

In version 2.93 we switched to a new installer software and added a built-in database to EventSentry. Up until version 2.92, we utilized an MSI-based installer, which turned out to not be a good choice for EventSentry. While MSI is a powerful technology with many benefits, it caused more problems than it solved for us, so we switched to a “traditional” installer. The new installer software allows us to create non-Windows installers as well, something we’re already utilizing in the installation of the next-generation web reports beta.

The new installer automates a lot of tasks with IIS (Internet Information Services) which previously needed to be done manually, this results in a much better user experience overall. We also introduced a new “Configuration Assistant”, which configures and upgrades EventSentry components on your behalf.

Another major improvement is the newly added support for PostgreSQL, which is also bundled as an embedded database now. This makes the initial setup of EventSentry significantly easier for users who don’t already have a database setup, or who don’t have much database experience. When selected, the installer sets up an isolated PostgreSQL database instance just for EventSentry, no PostgreSQL knowledge and/or installation is required. If you already have PostgreSQL in your environment, you can utilize an existing database server as well.

Of course we still support other databases as well, including MS SQL Server, MS SQL Server Express, MySQL and Oracle.

For users utilizing a Non-MS-SQL Server database, deployment of agents has been significantly improved. The EventSentry management console now automatically deploys the ODBC drivers for PostgreSQL or MySQL to the remote hosts when a PostgreSQL and/or MySQL database is configured (since Windows only ships SQL Server ODBC drivers by default).

All these improvements combined result in a vastly improved setup and deployment of EventSentry, which will be particularly useful for new installations.


Improved Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring has always been one of the most popular features in EventSentry; not surprising since it’s an extremely powerful and flexible feature. We improved the following:

  • Alerts now show additional information, including the counter description
  • Added support for floating point counters
  • Improved the user interface
  • Combine two performance counters into a single performance counter
  • Added trend detection
  • Added automatic alert suppression
  • Added wildcard support for instance exclusion
  • Added support multiple databases
  • Significantly improved the speed of the performance status page

Secondary Counter: Divide a performance counter by a secondary counter, to calculate dynamic performance values that are otherwise not directly available through existing performance counters.


Trend Detection: EventSentry can now attempt to detect leaks in performance counters, especially useful for counters that indicate the current memory or handle count usage of a process (but of course useful for other counters as well). This can help detect problems in early stages, before they cause disruption on the monitored server.

Alert Supression: EventSentry can keep track of historical performance counter values, and can suppress performance alerts if the current counter value matches a pattern. For example, if the CPU usage of a processor is always high on Thursday between 8pm and 10pm, then, after a baseline is established, EventSentry will check the (continously evolving) baseline and suppress alerts.


The user interface has improved, and shows the current counter value of a counter, and also show active instances of a counter (if available), for easier exclusion of those instances.

Additional Packages for Performance Monitoring

Version 2.93.1 also ships additional system health packages out of the box; templates for Exchange Server, Hyper-V, SQL Server and others help new users setup performance monitoring with just a few clicks. The following default performance monitoring packages are now available:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (7 packages)
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
  • .NET
  • Active Directory
  • Hyper-V
  • IIS
  • Sharepoint
  • SQL Server


Part 2 will explain the remaining new features in detail, click here to continue.

Creating your very own event message DLL

If you’ve ever wrote code to log to the Windows event log before (e.g. through Perl, Python, …), then you might have run into a similar problem that I described in an earlier post: Either the events don’t look correctly in the event log, you are restricted to a small range of event ids (as is the case with eventcreate.exe) or you cannot utilize insertion strings.

In this blog post I’ll be showing you how to build a custom event message DLL, and we’ll go about from the beginning to the end. We’ll start with creating the DLL using Visual Studio (Express) and finish up with some example scripts, including Perl of course, to utilize the DLL and log elegantly to the event log.

Let’s say you are running custom scripts on a regular basis in your network – maybe with Perl, Python, Ruby etc. Your tasks, binary as they are, usually do one of two things: They run successfully, or they fail. To make troubleshooting easier, you want to log any results to the event log – in a clean manner. Maybe you even have sysadmins in other countries and want to give them the ability to translate standard error messages. Logging to the event log has a number of benefits: It gives you a centralized record of your tasks, allows for translation, and gives you the ability to respond to errors immediately (well, I’m of course assuming you are using an event log monitoring solution such as EventSentry). Sounds interesting? Read on!

Yes, you can do all this, and impress your peers, by creating your own event message file. And what’s even better, is that you can do so using all free tools. Once you have your very own event message file, you can utilize it from any application that logs to the event log, be it a PowerShell/perl/python/… script or a C/C++/C#/… application.

To create an event message file, you need two applications:

The reason you need the platform SDK, is because Visual Studio Express does not ship with the Message Compiler, mc.exe, for some reason. The message file compiler is essential, as without it there will be no event message file unfortunately. When installing the platform SDK, you can deselect all options except for “Developer Tools -> Windows Development Tools -> Win32 Development Tools” if you want to conserve space. This is the only essential component of the SDK that’s needed.

An event message file is essentially a specific type of resource that can be embedded in either a DLL file or executable. In EventSentry, we originally embedded the message file resources in a separate DLL, but eventually moved it into the executable, mostly for cleaner and easier deployment. We’ll probably go back to a separate message DLL again in the future, mostly because processes (e.g. the Windows Event Viewer) can lock the event message file (the executable in our case), making it difficult to update the file.

Since embedding an event message file in a DLL is more flexible and significantly easier to accomplish, I’ll be covering this scenario here. The DLL won’t actually contain any executable code, it will simply serve as a container for the event definitions that will be stored inside the .dll file. While it may sound a little bit involved to build a DLL just for the purpose of having an event message file (especially to non-developers), you will see that it is actually surprisingly easy. There is absolutely no C/C++ coding required, and I also made a sample project available for download, which has everything setup and ready to go.

In a nutshell, the basic steps of creating an event message file are as follows:

1. Create a message file (e.g.
2. Convert the message file into a DLL, using mc.exe, rc.exe and link.exe

Once we have the message file, we will also need to register the event message file in the registry, and associate it with an event source. Keep in mind that the event source is not hard-coded into the message file itself, and in theory a single event message file could be associated with multiple event sources (as is the case with many event sources from Windows).

So let’s start by creating a working folder for the project, and I will call it “myapp_msgfile”. Inside that directory we’ll create the message file, let’s call it This file is a simple text file, and you can edit it with your favorite text editor (such as Ultraedit, Notepad2 or Notepad++).

The file with the .mc extension is the main message file that we’ll be editing – here we define our event ids, categories and so forth. Below is an example, based on the scenario from before. Explanations are shown inline.



Here we define which languages we support, and by which files these languages will be backed. You will have to look up the language id for other languages if you plan on supporting more, and you can remove German if you only plan on supporting English.


Our first event id, #1, will be used for categories. Categories work in the exact same way as event ids. When we log an event to the event log and want to include a category, then we only log the number – 1 in this case.

Task %1 (%2) completed successfully.
Job %1 (%2) war erfolgreich.

This is the first event description. The “MessageId” field specifies the event id, and the symbolic name is a descriptive and unique name for the event. The language specifies one of the supported languages, followed by the event message text. You end the event description with a single period – that period has to be the only character per line.

Task %1 (%2) failed to complete due to error “%3”.
Job %1 (%2) konnte wegen Fehler “%3” nicht abgeschlossen werden.

Task Information: %1
Job Information: %1

Since we’re trying to create events for “custom task engine”, we need both success and failure events here. And voila, our event message file now has events 100 – 102, plus an id for a category.

So now that we have our events defined, we need to convert that into a DLL. The first step now is to use the message compiler, mc.exe, to create a .rc file as well as the .bin files. The message compiler will create a .bin file for every language that is defined in the mc file. Open the “Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)” in order for the following commands to work:


will create (for the .mc file depicted above):


With those files created, we can now create a .res (resource) file with the resource compiler rc.exe:

rc.exe /r myapp_msgfile.rc

which will create the


file. The “/r” option instructs the resource compile to emit a .res file. Now we’re almost done, we’re going to let the linker do the rest of the work for us:

link -dll -noentry -out:myapp_msgfile.dll myapp_msgfile.res

The myapp_msgfile.res is the only input file to the linker, normally one would supply object (.obj) files to the linker to create a binary file. The “-noentry” option tells the linker that the DLL does not have an entry point, meaning that we do not need to supply a DllMain() function – thus the linker is satisfied even without any object files. This is of course desired, since we’re not looking to create a DLL that has any code or logic in it.

After running link.exe, we’ll end up with the long awaited myapp_msgfile.dll file.

The end. Well, almost. Our message file is at this point just a lone accumulation of zeros and ones, so we need to tell Windows that this is actually a message file for a particular event log and source. That’s done through the registry, as follows:

Open the registry editor regedit.exe. Be extremely careful here, the registry editor is a powerful tool, and needs to be used responsibly :-).

All event message files are registered under the following key:


Under this key, you will find a key for every event log as well as subkeys for every registered event source. So in essence, the path to an event source looks like this:


I’m going to assume here that we are going to be logging to the application event log, so we’d need to create the following key:


In this key, we need to following values:

TypesSupported (REG_DWORD)
EventMessageFile (REG_EXPAND_SZ)

TypesSupported is usually 7, indicating that the application will log either Information, Warning or Error events (you get 7 if you OR 1[error], 2[warning] and 4[information] together).

EventMessageFile is the path to your message DLL. Since the type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, the path may contain environment variables.

If you plan on utilizing categories as well, which I highly recommend (and for which our message file is already setup), then you need two additional values:

CategoryCount (REG_DWORD)
CategoryMessageFile (REG_EXPAND_SZ)

CategoryCount simply contains the total number of categories in your message file (1, in our case), and the CategoryMessageFile points to our message DLL. Make sure that your message file does not contain any sequence gaps, so if your CategoryCount is set to 10, then you need to have an entry for every id from 1 to 10 in the message file.

We could create separate message files for messages and categories, but that would be overkill for a small project like this.

Now that we have that fancy message DLL ready to go, we need to start logging. Below are some examples of how you can log to the event log with a scripting language. I’ll be covering Perl, Kix, and Python. Me being an old Perl fan and veteran, I’ll cover that first.

The nice thing about Perl is that you can take full advantage of insertion strings, so it can support event definitions containing more than one insertion string.

use strict;
use Win32::EventLog;

# Call this function to log an event

sub logMessage
my ($eventID, $eventType, @eventDetails) = @_;

my $evtHandle = Win32::EventLog->new(“Your Software Application”);

my %eventProperties;

   # Category is optional, specify only if message file contains entries for categories

$eventProperties{Category}      = 0;
$eventProperties{EventID}       = $eventID;
$eventProperties{EventType}     = $eventType;
$eventProperties{Strings}       = join("\0", @eventDetails);



# This is what you would use in your scripts to log to the event log. The insertion strings
# are passed as an array, so even if you only have one string, you would need to pass it
# within brackets (“This is my message”) as the last parameter

logMessage(100, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, (“Database Backup”, “Monitoring Database”, “Complete”));
logMessage(102, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, (“Step 1/3 Complete”));


Python supports event logging very well too, including multiple insertion strings. See the sample code below:

import win32evtlogutil
import win32evtlog

# Here we define our event source and category, which we consider static throughout
# the application. You can change this if the category is different

eventDetails = {‘Source’: ‘MyApp’,    # this is id from the message file
‘Category’: 1}        # which was set aside for the category

# Call this function to log an event

def logMessage(eventID, eventType, message, eventDetails):
if type(message) == type(str()):
message = (message,)
win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(eventDetails[‘Source’], eventID, eventDetails[‘Category’], eventType, tuple(message))

logMessage(100, win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, (“Database Backup”, “Monitoring Database”), eventDetails)
logMessage(102, win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, (“Step 1/3 complete”), eventDetails)

The pro: Logging to the event log using KiXtart is so easy it’s almost scary. The con: It only supports message files that use one insertion string.

LOGEVENT(4, 102, "Database Backup", "", "MyApp")

Announcing EventSentry v2.91

Now that EventSentry v2.91 has been released, I’m happy to have the opportunity to blog about our monitoring solution again.

The most significant new feature in EventSentry is the Health Matrix, a new way to see your network status in a space-efficient way. In fact, you can see the overall health status of your entire network on a single screen, even if it consists of hundreds of hosts.

We also made numerous other changes throughout the web reports, and added some exciting new filtering capabilities with our event log filters, as well as improved speed with the event log engine and file checksum generations.

EventSentry v2.91 also includes many minor improvements throughout the application, including service monitoring, process tracking and more. We have also updated EventSentry Light, and a new version will be released in the coming days after we have completed testing.

But now to the new features in version 2.91:

Health Matrix
In the health matrix, each host is displayed as a colored square, circle or rectangle, with the color indicating the overall health of the monitored computer. When all of the monitored components of a host are in an OK status, the color of the square is green. The color will change to orange or red when a problem is detected, depending on the number or severity of the issue.

clip0580.pngThe health matrix is highly customizable, for example both the size and shape of the icons can be adjusted depending on the size of the network (and your monitor).

clip0583.pngEvent Log Monitoring
In 2.91, the event log filtering engine was improved, resulting in reduced CPU usage of the event log monitoring component. Since the CPU usage of the EventSentry agent is already quite low, you will most likely only notice this improvement on hosts that generate an extremely large number of events, such as domain controllers.

Also new is the ability to filter events based on insertion strings in addition to just filtering based on the event message text. This means that one can now match individual strings inside event messages against strings, numbers, file checksums and group memberships. If you are not familiar with the term “insertion string”, then I highly recommend my previous post about event message files before you read on.

Consider the following hypothetical example: The environment-monitoring component of EventSentry logs event id 10908:

The temperature (78.21 degrees F) has fallen outside the configured range (60F to 76F).

which is defined as:

The temperature (%3 degrees %4) has fallen outside the configured range (%1%4 to %2%4).

This event obviously informs us, that the current temperature has exceeded a set limit. Now let’s say that we wanted to get an email when the temperature exceeds the limit, but also send a page when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees.

The new filtering feature allows you to do just that, by using the numerical comparison functionality with insertion strings (of course you would also need to set the hour/day properties). Assuming that you already have a filter in place for regular email notifications, you would simply setup an additional include filter that would evaluate insertion string 3 (%3) and only match if the number is above 90. See the screen shot below for the example. The result is a filter that only matches when then the temperature exceeds 90 degrees.

blog_es291_filter_1a.png2.91 also includes two more comparison options, file checksums and group membership. So, if an insertion string represents a filename (e.g. from a security event), then EventSentry can create a SHA checksum from the specified file and compare it with the value that you specified. Another example would be a security event that includes a username in an insertion string, in which case you could setup a filter that would only match if that user is a member of particular group you specify. Both examples are mostly applicable for security events, since those are most likely to contain either filenames or usernames.
Using file checksums, you can be notified whenever a user plays solitaire, even when the user renames the executable.

blog_es291_filter_2.pngSimply create a checksum of the file first using shachecksum.exe (included in the free NTToolkit, make sure you account for different OS versions and platforms) and intercept the corresponding 4688 event.

Service Monitoring

Service Monitoring now collects the username as well as the executable of a service. These additional properties are available in the web reports and in events generated, for example when the username of a service changes.

blog_es291_service_monitoring.pngSoftware Monitoring
Software monitoring has been overhauled in 2.91, and some limitations and bugs have been removed. On Vista, Win2k8 and later, Windows patches are now monitored and included in the software inventory. 64-bit software is now classified as such and searchable, and searching for installed Windows Updated patches has also been simplified.

SNMP Traps
EventSentry can now send version 2c and version 3 traps, previously only version 1 traps were sent by the agent. The SNMP trap daemon was originally set to be released as part of 2.91, but this feature has been pushed back to v2.92.

Web Reporting
We have made a number of improvements in the web reporting to make using our web-based interface easier:

•    Reports are now easily accessible from every page, in addition to the reports p
•    The database usage page now shows the actual page name in addition to the table name.
•    The dashboard page has been overhauled
•    The network status page can be customized (performance counters & disks)

blog_es291_dashboard.pngMiscellaneous Improvements

There have of course been other improvements across the board, such as:

•    Notes can now be applied to computers
•    AD-linked groups can be sorted, and authentication properties can be set globally
•    Hardware monitoring now includes the IP address of an interface
•    Process tracking can capture the command line of a process
•    Logon tracking includes group information
•    File checksum generation has been optimized and will now use fewer CPU resources (affects file monitoring and file access tracking)
•    The minimum database interval for environment monitoring has been reduced to 5 minutes from 15 minutes
•    Software uninstallation events now include the same information as software installation events

If you have an active maintenance agreement, then this 2.91 release will of course be free of charge. If you are not already using EventSentry, then you can download a free 30-day evaluation version from

Happy Holidays,